Thursday, December 31, 2009
Time for a New Year
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My Mini Vacation
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Trip to Konaseema
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Book Review: 2 states
‘2 states – the story of my marriage’
and the back cover reads
‘Love marriages around the world are simple:
Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy.
They get married.
In India, there are a few more steps:
Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy.
Girl's family has to love boy. Boy's family has to love girl.
Girl's Family has to love Boy's Family. Boy's family has to love girl's family.
Girl and Boy still love each other. They get married.’
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Feelin' good!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
An adieu to my much-loved
I’ve been moody for the past two days, the reason being I had lost something which was extremely near and dear to me. I should’ve expected something like this to happen this year, as I already mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, this year isn’t that great on the personal front :(
What I lost was one of my precious, sweet and cute star-shaped ear studs- presented to me on my birthday 9 years ago.
Since then, the ear studs and I were inseparable…the only exceptions were when I had to attend weddings, when I used to grudgingly replace them, though only for a few hours (no other lesser occasion could detach me from my beloved ear studs).
Once, a friend in engineering happened to notice that I always have the same ear rings on me and asked me if I ever change them. I said no and even joked that they were my ‘kavacha kundalams’. So just imagine the plight of losing one of my ear studs, which I held dear for the past 9 years. And also, this happens to be the first expensive item I lost in my whole life.
Hopefully, I should be out of my depression by the weekend, although I’m sure I’ll have little drops of tears whenever I look at the stars or for that matter, anything star-shaped :(

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Book Review: The Lost Symbol

I had enjoyed reading the Da Vinci Code; the thriller like narrative, and the startling secrets it revealed- a perfect cocktail for an enjoyable book.
I expected the same and more from The Lost Symbol...the book seemed to promise a more enthralling experience.
I must say that after finishing the book I was a tad disappointed. The book hit the bull’s eye when it came to creating nerve-wracking suspense with its gripping storyline, but the book did not rouse any ‘omg!’s or ‘wow!’s or ‘awesome!’s, when it came to revealing secrets as was expected.
The book does make for a good reading; make time for the book when you are absolutely free, coz it may be hard to set the book down once you start reading it. I must say it was one of my ‘read without eating-sleeping-doing anything’ kinda books.
The book falls a bit short of its expectations only because it did not reveal any controversial and unknown facts; otherwise, this book is definitely a must-read for its plot and is much much better than many other best sellers.
P. S. : I found the last few chapters a bit senseless though. After all that the characters in the story have been through, they leisurely discuss about paintings and buildings as if nothing happened :P
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Books in 2009: The God of Small Things, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The White Tiger

I must say the pace at which I read the novel was too slow, somehow I couldn’t get beyond 10-20 pages at a time (which is very curious in my case as I’m the type who reads a novel continuously without eating-drinking-sleeping till I finish it). I somehow wasn’t interested at all and forced myself to read the first half just for the sake of not leaving a book unfinished. As I came to the second half, the story began to take a shape and it was only then that curiosity arose in me and I quickly completed the second half.
The way the story is weaved by switching the narration recurrently between the past and the present is commendable. The story seems so ordinary initially, as you read all the tragic and shocking elements creep into it.
Though it was quite a good-read, it’s not my kind of novel.

Naturally, I had very high expectations on this book even though I did not know what it was about (I usually don’t try to find out about any book, I just pick a book by instinct or choose the award-winning ones. Maybe it’s high time I changed this habit and go for any book only after taking someone’s opinion.) To tell the truth, I thought it was a novel a-la The Da Vinci Code or at least a bit adventurous! Poor me :(!
No sooner had I begun to read the book filled with enthusiasm and zeal, than I realized what the book was actually about. Even though I was disappointed, I continued to read it with the hope of getting some enlightenment out of it, something which I could apply to and improve the quality of my life (!!! :P).
I have to say that it was an ordeal to read even ten pages at a time! After the Herculean task of reading about 57 pages (omg!) of that book, I finally decided to call it quits.
Now, I plan of catch hold of someone who already read that book and get from them the message that the book wanted to convey!

A dark tale told in an intriguing manner- this aptly sums up the content of the book.
This is yet another novel I picked to read simply because it won a prize (The Man Booker Prize). And ya, also coz the cover page looked funky and cartoonish :D.
The author solely depends on the ingenuity of the way the story is told to captivate the attention of the reader; he makes no attempt to build any sort of suspense as the turning-point is revealed in the first chapter itself.
It was a novel that was quick paced and managed to keep me glued to it.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
After a long time...

I now resolve to write blogs regularly coz I feel rejuvenated and back to my old self and it’s time I start to hone my long-lost writing skills again.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Prized Memories
It is with a heavy heart that I’m writing this blog post. My heart feels heavy because I’m soon going bid farewell to my college, which has been my second-abode for the past four years. I’ve become very attached to my college, the environment and most of all to my friends, and the very thought of leaving it all soon, brings tears to my eyes.
I remember the first time I stepped into the college; I was awe-struck at the size and beauty of the campus! The very first year of engineering was spent getting used to the long-distance travel and the very-new environment and thinking about how to escape the seniors. I must say I’m happy that I’ve never had to face any uncomfortable situations, I was only asked by a few seniors to tell my ‘BD’ and wish them whenever I see them. I did make a few friends in the first year, but they were just friends with whom you sit in the class and listen to the lecturers. That had always been my definition of friends. What I enjoyed the most in the 1st year were the labs-seriously!
Come 2nd year and it introduced me to some of the most fascinating inventions of man- Orkut, yahoo messenger and google talk! They made communication much more easy, made me feel that my friends were always within reach. I made many more friends in the 2nd and 3rd years, life went on like a dream, so pleasant, so happy, I enjoyed each and every day and looked forward to going to college. I enjoyed the subjects too, as studying computer science had always been my goal and was not an obligation.
During the course of these 2 years, I changed a lot. My grumpiness gave way to humour, I learnt to be more cool and speak from my heart, to be myself and enjoy each moment in life, in fact I learnt a lot about my own self. Most importantly, my friends became an inseparable part of my life.
Working for Qubit-’08 as the event coordinator of the Online Treasure Hunt and again for Qubitrix as the designer of the souvenir (and I designed some banners too for the event) taught me many things and simultaneously instilled confidence in me.
4th year has been even more enlightening for me. It made me stronger, increased my confidence levels drastically and I’ve done things which pleasantly surprise me when I look back.
With only a few days of college life left, I feel happy as I know that life has a lot in store for me, but moving on is not going to be a piece of cake as I also know that I will never get such wonderful days back again.